1st edition dmg pdf

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We used 1st edition B/X rules (classic Red Box), played it straight and ran Village of Homlett. But I guess, if you're gonna go Old School. then it's old school all the way!Ībout a year and a half ago a few friends and I got nostalgic about the old days and we decided, screw it, let's do a one shot old school style. and of course you don't have all the benefits of spell/monster access via D&D beyond etc. The other challenges for me is that, having been exposed to 5e, the old rules seem clunky. But I managed to find PDF's and (Bless 'em) all the players clubbed together to get me some original hard copies of DM & Players handbook (surprisingly expensive these days!).

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The main challenge initially was that all my books etc. which I am now doing! It blows their mind using AD&D rules lol but it's a lot of fun.

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so she said her Dad might run an old-school campaign for them. now 24 she regularly plays and her DM was saying he never gets to play. but it obviously stuck with her as once at Uni she founds friends she could convince to play. She loved rolling characters but was never quite able to convince her friends to play. I introduced my daughter to AD&D back when she was around 9/10ish with the original old books I'd used back at school in the early 80's.