Lastly, I do not know if this 'upgrade' is for 2016 or 2019.
I tried to make my 2011 software the default again. IIIIEEEEEEE!!! Now, I would like to uninstall these two downloads. I think I also figured out that the only way I can access these is through my Cloud account. What's more, going to my iTunes account it says I now have those two Microsoft programs and they cost nothing? What is that about?
Now, ALL my Excel and Word documents are frozen with the below attachment qualifications. So, I followed this through and found anĪpple App site that would let me buy/download those two apps alone without have to buy the whole 365 software program. I am aware that in the not-to-distant future, I will no longer be able to use/optimize this app. I keep getting the attached screen shot notification. First, let me say I am a techno-impaired senior so please keep that in mind if and when you can answer my questions.